• Spicy Fermented Asparagus Pickles! Posted on April 13, 2016

    Spicy Fermented Asparagus Pickles! This time of year, my culinary dreams are filled with overflowing baskets of delicate green vegetables — peas, artichokes, fava beans, leeks, baby lettuces, garlic scapes, nettles and other wild greens and herbs. Plus, for me, the one vegetable that truly heralds spring's arrival: asparagus.

    When I see those slender green spears wrapped in tidy, uniform bunches standing so straight and tall at the local markets and farm stands, impulse takes over and I end up with far more than could be eaten in a normal amount of time. If you experience similar asparagus-induced purchasing issues — but aren't sure what to do with all those spears beyond simply freezing or eating raw, steamed, sautéed or grilled — pickle them!

    Click on this link for more & the recipe: http://www.foodandnutrition.org/Stone-Soup/April-2016/Welcome-Spring-with-Spicy-Fermented-Asparagus-Pickles/

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