• Five Minute Pickles! Posted on October 20, 2013

    Five Minute Pickles! Now you have to understand the term "five minute" pickles. You can't eat these in five minutes. You can MAKE them in 5 minutes. That is the best! Five minute pickles are easy to make, and there's no need for kettle steamers, special jars, and vacuum-tight lids.

    2 onions, coarsely chopped

    3 English cucumbers, thickly sliced, then cut in half lengthwise

    Dried dill weed (I used lots, use it to taste)


    2 c. vinegar

    2 c. sugar

    1/4 c. salt

    1/2 T. picking spices

    Place cut up vegetables and dill in a bowl that has a cover or in an old ice cream pail. Mix the brine ingredients together in a medium sauce pan and heat until sugar is dissolved. Allow brine to cool a bit before pouring over vegetables. Cover and refrigerate. The pickles will be ready in 2 – 3 weeks and keep for a long time.

    thanks to: http://chronicinthekitchen.com/2013/09/13/five-minute-pickles/

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